Legal Aid

Clarkson Hirst Solicitors Limited

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Clarkson Hirst Solicitors offer Legal Aid in respect of family law and criminal defence matters. Our team of expert solicitors are on hand to assist with regard to advising whether you would be eligible for Legal Aid whether in relation to family matters or criminal law.

What is Legal Aid?

Legal Aid is a type of public funding through which peoples fees can be met in respect of their legal costs. The Legal Aid Agency is the body governing and regulating eligibility for Legal Aid and governs services that Legal Aid solicitors such as Clarkson Hirst can carry out.

There are various eligibility requirements that must be met in order to qualify for Legal Aid and these requirements differ depending on the type of case which you wish to deal with. For some cases Legal Aid eligibility is assessed solely on merits, meaning the facts of the case itself are assessed with Legal Aid Agencies to determine whether or not Legal Aid can be granted. Some cases are also assessed on a means tested basis meaning the Legal Aid Agency will consider whether your financial circumstances allow you to seek Legal Aid.

At Clarkson Hirst we will be able to explain if you are eligible for Legal Aid and we would be able to tell you what type of Legal Aid is available and whether you should pursue an application and how to apply for Legal Aid.

If you are ineligible for Legal Aid we can explain to you ways in which we can undertake work on a privately funded basis and can provide you with an estimate of the costs for undertaking the work.

Criminal Defence

Everyone is entitled to free criminal legal advice and representation at the police station. Please call Clarkson Hirst Solicitors for a free initial consultation. If your case progresses past the police station we can apply to assist you with Legal Aid and will advise you of any costs that you may have to pay. We can also advise you if you are not eligible for Legal Aid and provide costs in relation to privately funding a case.

Our criminal defence team are experts in the area and offer a sympathetic approach at what can be a traumatic and difficult time.

Family Law

Our expert family law solicitors can provide advice on matters of divorce, separation, finances. domestic violence and children issues including disputes between parents and grandparents as well as disputes with social services and care proceedings. Children issues can involve both private disputes between parents and grandparents over access or where their children should live as well as special advice on child protection matters, pre-proceedings and children’s services and Social Services involvement in bringing care proceedings. Our solicitors are passionate about fighting for and representing our clients.

We offer an initial 30 minute free consultation to see how we can help you and can advise further in this process as to whether you may be eligible for Legal Aid. If you are the parent of the child subject to care proceedings or involved in pre-proceedings you may be able to obtain Legal Aid without further enquiries into your financial circumstances.

In respect of divorce, financial issues arising on divorce, separation matters and child arrangement disputes you may also find that you are eligible for Legal Aid subject to means and merits testing. We can advise specifically on what merits and means would qualify for Legal Aid.

In respect of domestic violence you may be eligible for Legal Aid based solely on financial eligibility as the merit test is often met by virtue of the fact that you are seeking to apply for a protective injunction or send a warning letter if you are being harassed by an ex partner. We offer expert advice on all aspects of domestic violence.

If we can assist further please do not hesitate to contact us.

Charlotte Bamber, Head of Family Department, CLARKSON HIRST SOLICITORS